The skills that make Improv Theater players successful are attainable by all of us by understanding what skills Improvisers develop and how they master those skills through repetition and changing their internal self talk. This interactive, insightful & fun workshop will give you the activities and strategies that will help you bring the Improv mindset and experience to your personal & professional life.
What 3 things might your participants learn or experience as a result of your workshop?
- You will experience how self-talk helps or hinders personal & group creativity.
- You will be able to apply at least 3 activities to your personal and/or professional life.
- You will be able to describe how an improv mindset impacts the 4 stages of creativity.
So What:
What might be 3 ways that the content of your workshop changes your attendees’ perceptions, habits, ways of working, or view of the world?
- Able to disagree with another person without becoming argumentative.
- Less risk averse.
- More confident in their ability to think on their feet.
Now What:
What are 3 ways your attendees might apply what they learn in your workshop?
- In personal relationships to maintain a dialogue and reach a shared understanding.
- In their work with teams and groups.
- In their ability to try new forms of creative expression.